Since its first broadcast in late 1999, The West Wing has been one of the most popular drama series on television. Hollywood veteran Martin Sheen plays the lead role of President Jed Bartlet in this show chronicling the daily events in the life of a president. The day-to-day operations of the Bartlet White House are run by various people like Claudia “C.J.” Cregg (Allison Janney), Sam Seaborn (Rob Lowe), Leo McGarry (John Spencer), Josh Lyman (Bradley Whitford), Toby Ziegler (Richard Schiff) and Charlie Young (Dule Hill). The West Wing focuses on these loyal assistants as they work 24 hours a day to keep the White House running smoothly. In doing so, the stresses of work and various personal difficulties lend a voyeuristic look at what many believe to be an accurate snapshot of working life in the White House …
The West Wing (Season 3) DVD includes a series of dramatic episodes including the “Manchester: Part 1” season preview in which CJ incorrectly reveals at his press conference that President Bartlet is suffering from an illness, which That sparked an avalanche of media attention to the president’s health. Preparing to make the reveal, staff members discuss whether Bartlet should apologize to the nation for not revealing the issue. Meanwhile, Abbey is unhappy when she learns that Jed has decided to run for re-election … Other notable episodes from season three include “Indians in the Lobby”, in which an Indian couple announce their plans to stay. in the lobby. . hall of the Department of the Interior until they receive an answer to their 15-year question to buy back lost Indian lands and “Hartsfield’s Landing” where staff members begin executing their primary presidential strategy (starting in New Hampshire) on their plan to win. Bartlet’s reelection …
Below is a list of episodes included on the The West Wing (Season 3) DVD:
Episode 45 (Manchester: Part 1) Air Date: 10/17/2001
Episode 46 (Manchester: Part 2) Air date: 10/24/2001
Episode 47 (Modes and Media) Air date: 10-31-2001
Episode 48 (The Day Before) Air Date: 07-11-2001
Episode 49 (War Crimes) Air Date: 11/14/2001
Episode 50 (Gone Quiet) Air date: 11/21/2001
Episode 51 (The Indians in the Lobby) Air Date: 11/28/2001
Episode 52 (The Women of Qumar) Air date: 12-12-2001
Episode 53 (Bartlet for America) Air date: 09-01-2002
Episode 54 (H. Con-172) Broadcast Date: 01/16/2002
Episode 55 (100,000 aircraft) Air date: 01/30/2002
Episode 56 (The Two Bartlets) Air Date: 02/06/2002
Episode 57 (Night Five) Air Date: 02/27/2002
Episode 58 (Hartsfield’s Landing) Air date: 03/06/2002
Episode 59 (Irish Writers Dead) Air Date: 03/27/2002
Episode 60 (The US Poet Laureate) Air date: 03-04-2002
Episode 61 (Agitated) Air date: 01-05-2002
Episode 62 (National and Foreign Enemies) Air Date: 05/08/2002
Episode 63 (The Black Vera Wang) Air date: 05/15/2002
Episode 64 (We Killed Yamamoto) Air date: 05/15/2002
Episode 65 (Posse Comitatus) Broadcast date: 05/22/2002